Any way...
I'll start with Harlan Versh, I think that for two points you get a degree of pain potential with him that you don't get with many other solos, particularly against people that have lots of upkeep spells or people that have lots of minor casters in their armies. Anyway, there he is.
Now we're onto the bits that go with LVlad specifically, though I'm sure I'll use them with other casters as well.
Iron Fang Uhlans, the models are firmly in the "OK" camp, not a lot of details but they look decent on the table. On the table I still need to really learn how to use them effectively, like is it worth the extra two points of armor to clump up? Based on the one time I used them I'd say "No" as that just makes them easier to be attacked and stuck in a melee where their effectiveness is greatly lessened.
Grey Lords Outriders, now these guys will be getting a lot of table time I think. Insane threat range, light cavalry, magical spray attacks, all very nice! The drawback of the Magic Skill of 6 can stand some help but there are generally options for that.
And now... on to the HUGE based models!
The Chuckwagon of the Apocalypse! Well its a cavalry model so LVlads feat would work with it but really I don't know when or if I'll ever use it. Writing that now I'm convinced that I'm going to have to use it as some sort of a moral imperative. So I just might be of two minds on this one...
But I'm not on...
My Conquest. This, if you were wondering, is the first model I busted out my airbrush skillz on. The main effect was the shading on all the steel bits. Like everything I think it looks better in person and I'm happy with what I'm churning out these days. Next up, Assault Commandos, hey somebody's got to use them!