Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Played Last Night

The Battle of "I got a 3!"

So I played Jason LaDue last night at Total Escape Games.  He played his Circle army and I mis-played my Khador army.  I used Strakov with Torch, a unit of Winter Guard, Boomhowler with Greylord UA, Kovnick Joe, a Greylord Ternion and a Man-O-War Drakhun.  Jason was all beasties and solo's.  Here is a pic of my guys:

And here is a picture of Jason's Hordette:

I deployed and moved first.  The Drakhun and the trolls were on the left, Strakov, the Winter Guard, Torch and the Greylords on the right.  Trolls ran and were Zephyred forward 15" on my move and the Drakhun went along with them to hammer his Lord of the Feast then keep up the pace and swing into the rest of Jasons army.

The Winter Guard et al would be spongy and attract Jason and hold him up for the turn that I would devote to killing the LoF.  That was the plan and the Winter Guard lived up to their half of the plan but the  Drakhun never managed to hit the LoF rolling a string of "3's" along with the few troll that fought him too.  The wagon was losing it's wheels!

Jason's army was a ghostly teleporting dog pile and they got stuck into the Winter Guard and the right most Trolls but weren't killing much due to above average tough rolls.  This would be the theme of the game, my failing to hit but making tough rolls.  Here is the dog pile on the right:

And here, after rolling a 3, missing by 1 and getting hit hard enough to be dismounted, is the situation on the left.  I then rolled another 3 for the MoW, missed by 1, and the trolls then rolled a 4 and also missed by 1.  The LoF then killed them all.  I suspect treason on the part of the MoW, secretly he was either a Circle agent or he wanted to grow up to be a LoF too and was faking it.

Jason got stuck in and here is where I made The Great Mistake.  Instead of killing his beasts I went for the assassination and, while I did enough damage in aggregate to kill her 1.5 times he had focus to spread it out to his beasts.  Torch charging in on Strakov's feat turn and missing three times with boosted attacks didn't help things out but, on balance I think that the idea was flawed in conception as well as in execution.

And so, with a final spate of ghostly beasties moving through my models Strakov was undone.

So some final thoughts on the Epic Battle of "I Got a 3!" or maybe "Missed by 1! Again!":

  1. I had fun playing but I could tell that it had been a while since I played.  I made sequencing errors more than once and wasn't willing to "mulligan" my way out of them.
  2. The crucial mistake I made was attacking the caster not the beasts even after being warned against doing just that.
  3. I really like Greygore with the Greylord UA, they take a LOT of killing.
  4. I still like the MoW Drakhun even though he only rolled 3's on his attacks, I'm sure that it's not his fault...
  5. Strakov was out of position and didn't use his feat advantageously
  6. The Greylord Ternion was nearly useless, with the speed and teleporting of the enemy they never got to try and attack anyone who was not in melee and with a skill of 7 it's very hard to hit things in melee with your spells.
I had fun and doubt I'll make the same mistakes again but it was still frustrating to see all the opportunities to pull it out fail time after time by 1.  C'est la Guerre!