Secondly we have the first installment of the Man-O-War (are Khadorians secretly pirates?) corps: the Shocktroopers. I know what you're thinking: How can they form Shield Wall when their shields are so tiny compared to the size of the armor they're wearing? Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answers too kid! All I'm willing to say is that it's cold in Khador and maybe that makes people get used to sharing body heat and maybe that's a handy skill when trying to form a Shield Wall using shields the size of dinner plates...
And last but not least we have my first painted warcaster, Karchev the Terrible. Or as he prefers to be called, Mr. The Terrible. From the front:
From the left:
And the right:
Peace out! Time to take down the Christmas tree and maybe paint on my Kayazy and Behemoth and Harkevich, Son of Hark model. Sadly, unlike the Cryxian god being, Son of Hark never went back in time to fight dinosaurs... so he's just not that cool!
Don't do cotton for the smoke, check out the smoke plumes here:
Huh, how does it attach to the exhaust stacks? And can you detach it for packing the figures up?