Friday, December 23, 2011

Warmachine Minis

So here are my painted Warmachine guys, the pics seem to suck so I've got to figure out how to take decent pictures of my toy soldiers or this blog will be going nowhere!

Winter Guard - with the vital Officer (she's cute!), Standard Bearer and Rocketeer "to the rescue"!  Maybe it's sad  but I really like that film.  Enough to quote it on my blog!  Anyway these are the first miniatures I ever dipped and I'm pretty pleased with the effect you get from dipping, much faster than the rounds of inking and shading too.

Winter Guard Mortar - Short but sweet.

Doooooooom Reavers!  Not too happy with them actually, don't know what to do to fix them however so for now they reamin "done".

Woof!  Good boy!

Now we're in the very exciting "stuff to be put together and painted section", hoo-boy!  The excitement is killing me!  Are those Kayazy Assassins?  Shocktroopers and Kossite Woodsmen!?!?

Last but not least we get to the heavy metal section of the show, Karchev, his pet Behemoth, a lost Berserker he hasn't put together yet and two other 'jacks are the starting forces for our aspiring Khadorian Kommander.  Stuff I didn't waste pixels are are two more casters (both women oddly enough), Greylords of every type, battle mechanics, a Kayazy Underboss, Winter Guard field gun, and another 'jack or two.  It's awesome baby!

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